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VITEC’s Year End Party 2019 and New Year 2020 Celebration

The memorable Year End Party of VITEC was hold in Trong Dong Palace, Hanoi on 11 January 2020 with the presence of all the staff and esteemed guests. This is an annual event of VITEC, witnessing the employees’ reunion to review the past year and to plan for the new year.
VITEC’s Year End Party 2019 and New Year 2020 Celebration
On the occasion of every new year, all the employees of VITEC are eager to organize Year End Party.
The memorable Year End Party of VITEC was hold in Trong Dong Palace, Hanoi on 11 January 2020 with the presence of all the staff and esteemed guests. This is an annual event of VITEC, witnessing the employees’ reunion to review the past year and to plan for the new year. 


At the beginning of VITEC’s Year End Party, the member companies’ directors made concise speeches to summarize the whole past year as well as to happy a grear new year.
In the party, Mr. Vu Kim Cuong, Viet Tien investment and technology.,jsc ’s Dicrector, expressed his happiness during the past year working with all the employees at dicrector positsion. He would like to give his sincere gratitude to the employees and affirmed that VITEC was a solidary and warm family where all the employees supported each other to overcome difficulties.

After the leading board’s speeches, all the participants gave a toast for a happy new year in a cheerful atmosphere.

The Year End Party became more joyful with the art performances and games of VITEC’s staff. Some impressive performances could be listed as the group song named “Ngay tet que em” by VITEC’s staff; dance performances “Ngay xuan long phung sum vay” by young VITEC’s staff .Additionally, there were some solos and group songs full of spring atmosphere of other VITEC members. The amazing design contest and entertaining gameshows contributed to the employees’s joy and pride. 
Celebrating activities
Fashion contest of Technical Fulfilment department “ Ton Ngo Khong"
Fashion contest of Accounting “ Miss revenue “
Fashion contest of Purchasing Department

Fashion contest of Sales Fulfilment Manager
The most expected item is the annual lucky draw, with a lot of gifts and design contest results
Congratulations to the Sales Fulfillment Manager on winning the first prize and the Purchasing Department in second place.

On the basis of a successful year 2019, VITEC has become self confident  to continually conquer the next glories. VITEC is now ready to celebrate a new year 2020 with new chances ahead.

VITEC would like to wish every employee a new year filled with happiness and achievement and wish the group a prosperous and effective new year 2020. 
By: Huong Nguyen
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